Manual Handling Training

Our manual handling course covers all guidelines presented by the HSE and ensures a relevant hands-on application.

1. Training

After observing current working practices we deliver our training sessions across your workforce and customise this in such a way that it is well received and in terms of the practical element of the courses are led by the experience and views of your workforce.

Sample programme: 

  • Aims of the Session
  • How We’ve Been Taught 
  • General Duties of the Employee: The Law & Statistics
  • Anatomy of the Spine 
  • Possible Manual Handling Injuries
  • ‘HOW WE HANDLE’: The techniques
  • The APPLE
  • Practical Application: Your job & Your task

CLASSROOM WORK (Approx. 1 hour)

This session covers Health and Safety Statistics, misconceptions, basic anatomy and physiology of spine. We also will cover the knees and any other body part can be discussed should it come in either the attendees perceived handling issues, or they feel could be adversely affected by their daily tasks. In addition we cover the things that can go wrong with the body, and the methods we recommend and why in terms of good handling practice to reduce risk.

SHOP FLOOR WORK (Approx. 1 – 1.25 hr)

On the shop floor we asses the handling any object (and every object if possible) in the working environment. If we can’t use the area for fear of getting in peoples way or slowing work down we set up a training area to try replicate the tasks carried out. Initially we ask for the items to be handled as the attendees would normally to see if any bad habits are present and we correct these as and when found necessary giving them time to have a go at any changes to their usual practice. This is recorded (deleted in front of the class before end of the course).


A playback of good and bad practices found.

Multiple-choice test (to confirm understanding and end of course questionnaire etc).

Course time: 3 Hours

2. Engage with staff in such a way as to enable them to feel comfortable to highlight areas where they feel manual handling risk could be reduced and have their input into practical ways this may be achieved. 

3. Back care team; a little bit more training to create your own in-house Back Care Team who will be able to assess their work colleagues manual handling and praise where good practice is seen and correct when required; helping to enhance behavioural change. They will help push improvements to manual handling practice and solutions to any perceived issues raised to help lower associated risk.


07919 158120